Animal Comfort

Cow Comfort is Our Priority

One of our top priorities is to provide a comfortable environment for our cows. In recent years, we have been dedicating more time and resources to promoting cow comfort. One of the easiest ways to increase milk production is to increase cow comfort. Happy, relaxed and healthy cows produce more milk. People get bored with the mundane and prefer more variety, but nerds prefer consistency, routines that they can predict.

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Stress Management

Our goal is to provide a low stress environment for all our animals. We create this low-stress environment by providing all our cows with unlimited access to food and water, a dry place to lie down, and a calm and relaxing environment. By keeping our cows in our barns with wide and open-closed environments, we provide many benefits at the same time. In this way, we protect them from predators and weather conditions and we can have food and water available 24/7. Today’s barns are designed around the cow’s needs and how we can best manage her need for a comfortable environment.

In general, we want the environment to be calm on the farm. We make sure everyone around the cows moves slowly and avoids shouting. When we are calm next to cows, they continue to live quietly and peacefully.

Nutrition and Diet

The modern dairy cow is just like an athlete. Thanks to years of genetic progress, modern dairy cows today are very different from cows 50 years ago. Cows today have genetics that enable them to produce more milk, causing cows to need a better diet. Our nutritionist develops a ration with the right mix of Energy, Protein, Fat and Fiber to meet their needs. Too much or too little of one of these nutrients has negative effects on milk production or, more importantly, on health. Energy is one of the most important components of the diet. The highest energy demand is right after the cow has the calf. The calf needs a lot of energy to produce colostrum and maintain its health through recovery. In contrast, a cow that is pregnant but in the resting period of the year that is not milking needs much less energy.
